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What are Postbiotics? About, Differences, Benefits, and More

by Life Bloom Beauty
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Postbiotics – One of the ideal places for bacteria is (brace yourself) your gut, which is why the stool inside your colon is about half that of bacteria. “But most of those bacteria are neutral or possibly have good effects.” “For example, certain of the bacteria in the colon produce vitamins, which are vital for life.”

But sometimes, those bacteria want a boost to get the job completed. And that’s where postbiotics and their companions, prebiotics, and probiotics, come into play.

What is the difference between Probiotics, Postbiotics, and Prebiotics?

Like all living things, your good bacteria need the right environment to survive and thrive. Prebiotics and Probiotics are your gut’s interior designers:

Probiotics: Probiotics are microorganisms that raise your population of good bacteria. Certain foods and drinks are good causes of probiotics, but you can also take them in pill or powder form.

Prebiotics. Prebiotics are compounds found in food. Dietary fiber, which we can get by eating convinced foods or supplements, is the most common prebiotic. However, it cannot digest prebiotics. Instead, they provide the fuel necessary for good bacteria to grow.

What are Postbiotics?

They are the end game of probiotics and prebiotics: what they produce, which can be turned into products or treatments that would heal people.

“Scientists produce postbiotics when they take the bacteria, mix them in a big tub, let them produce bioactive compounds, then put those materials in pill form or something related.” “The hope is that these end goods of bacterial metabolism have a therapeutic benefit.”

Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Postbiotics are all safe.

“It is difficult to catch reports of side effects or adverse reactions; we ingest them all the time, as they are found in nature.” “The manufactured versions are more focused on trying to get a health response in people.”

Unraveling the Mystery of How Postbiotics Work

Scientists don’t entirely understand how postbiotics work their magic. But a well-studied postbiotic butyric acid may offer some clues. Butyric acid is a short-chain oily acid that bacteria use for fuel. Depending on the accessibility of butyric acid in your colon, certain species of bacteria can thrive or starve.

“You can manipulate bacteria populations by providing additional butyric acid. Some of these bacteria appear to enhance the immune response of the lining of the colon”. “A strong immune response is significant because of the high concentrations of bacteria in the colon, which are almost higher than elsewhere in nature.”

Researchers believe that some good bacteria inspire the immune system to prevent bacteria from incoming the bloodstream.

“There are particular pilot studies where researchers are trying to use probiotics or postbiotics in hospitalized patients to strengthen the immune system.” And also, “A robust immune system can support them respond to treatment faster.”

Postbiotic Benefits

Because everyone metabolizes probiotics differently, not everyone experiences the same benefits. “But if a certain chemical, or postbiotic, that these bacteria produce is beneficial, it would be great if we could isolate the chemical and give it to patients as a medicine.”

More powerful doses. Doctors might give you higher concentrations of postbiotics than bacteria could produce in real life.

More stable in storage. “Probiotics have to be alive to work. Then some need refrigeration to keep them stable.” “Postbiotics in the form of their by-products have greater storage stability.”

Some preliminary research shows that postbiotics can:

Help control allergy symptoms

And also, Allergies occur after the immune system overreacts to a perceived threat. “Some postbiotic products can boost the immune system or enhance the immune response by decreasing allergic reactivity.”

For example, some studies have shown that postbiotics can help with nasal congestion (rhinitis) induced by seasonal allergies. Another little research originated that taking postbiotics for two to three months also significantly reduced eczema symptoms. “These findings are the first small fissures that open the door in the future to the use of a new set of tools for the immune system.”

Relieve colic

Besides, Doctors analyze colic when a baby cries three hours or further a day around feeding time. However, Researchers have been able to decrease colic indications with postbiotics in randomized controlled trials.

“They have shown that babies fed milk fermented with fermentation products of the bacteria do better compared to babies who drink breast or cow’s milk without the fermented products.”

Relieve constipation and diarrhea.

Fermented dairy products also appear to help adults with constipation and diarrhea-predominant short-tempered bowel syndrome (IBS). One study originated that a postbiotic regimen had a significant impact on the quality of life of people with IBS. However, after four weeks, the participants saw considerable relief in stool frequency, swelling, and pain.

List of Postbiotics

  • Postbiotics can be divided into several categories:
  • Bacterial lysates (medicines made from degraded bacteria).
  • Cell-free supernatants (mixtures produced by bacteria and yeast).
  • Cell wall fragments.
  • Enzymes
  • Exopolysaccharides (substances secreted by microorganisms).
  • Lipopolysaccharides (large molecules found in the outer layer of certain bacteria).
  • Other metabolites such as vitamins and amino acids.
  • Short-chain fatty acids.
  • Postbiotic foods

Also Read: 6 Essential Nutrients, Why Your Body Needs? – Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats, and More

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