Home » Why is it Hard to Find a Good Hair Stylist? Reasons, Tips, Stylist Quality, and More

Why is it Hard to Find a Good Hair Stylist? Reasons, Tips, Stylist Quality, and More

by Life Bloom Beauty
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It’s the question that every woman asks themselves once: “why is it so Hard to Find a Good Hair Stylist?”

How can it be so difficult to find someone to deliver the same perfect result each time without costing you time and money? You would think it would be straightforward – but that’s the furthest thing from the truth.

Well, we’ve got some answers that might help you answer this pesky little question.

Three Reasons Why Finding a Hair Stylist is Hard

1) Clients are more Informed about their Hair Care

Let’s start with the most obvious factor: thanks to the internet and social media, clients know a lot more about their hair than ever before. That ultimately means that clients are more demanding about what they want and how they want it. It also means it takes them time to cater to their clients, which many people don’t want. Hence, in some cases, clients can be problematic too! Customization has become a big part of their demands, so hairstylists are under the pump to deliver the perfect result.

2) Hair Stylists need to Merge Hair Styling with Care

Visit any hair salon, and you’ll find that most stylists are focused on just that: styling. But what clients want is to learn about how to maintain and treat their hair after their appointment. So it’s up to the professionals to know, practice, and lift their game to ensure that they can also provide insight for clients to maintain and improve their hair styling. It can be a portion to handle without spending enough time with the client to understand their hair, but it needs to be done.

3) Lack of Consultations Before Stylings or Cuts

It is also a significant problem within the industry. A lack of consultations or discussions before treatments means that hairstylists don’t have the time to understand what their clients want fully. It can lead to confusion and ultimately problems with the outcome, especially regarding color treatment or balayage. It’s always good then to ensure you find a place that offers a free consultation.

Don’t let these pointers get you down in finding a stylist that suits your needs. The trick is to use them to help you find the right person to treat your hair for the long term.

Hard to Find a Good Hair Stylist

Four Tips to Finding the Perfect Hair Stylist for You

1) Ask Your Crew

While Google and Facebook reviews are great for overall perceptions of a place, nothing beats personal experience. That’s why it’s best to ask your crew (friends, neighbors, colleagues) about where they go and why. You’ll get some great insight.

2) Free Consultation

We touched on this above, and it’s beautiful to mention it again: if they offer a free consultation before any treatment. If they do, book yourself a spot. If they don’t offer free consultations – still contact them! Sometimes you can get great information when talking to them over the phone! That way, you can get to know the stylist, and they can get to see what you want.

3) Be Super Clear with What You Want

If you’re unclear on what you want, you can’t blame the stylist for not doing their job right. It’s essential to be super clear on your ideal treatment and your outcome. Only then can the hairstylist deliver the results you expect. To ensure your message is clear, explain your hair care routine and the products you use. You should also bring a photo of what you want to showcase what you would like done. In some cases, hair salons will have a portfolio that you can inspect to give you a sense of the type of work they can do for you.

4) Trust Your Instincts and Get it a Go!

All the research and preparation you do can only take you so far. Ultimately, you have to brace yourself and try a hairstylist that you’re most comfortable with. Trust your instincts and book an appointment! Your experience will give you a good sense – or gut feeling – if the professional is the right one for you.

Hard to Find a Good Hair Stylist

Stylist Quality

An ideal hairdresser will have a natural penchant for hairdressing and will love their job. It will make you want to continuously train to offer the latest seasonal trends to your customers.

Also Read: 

Kind, Courteous, and Patient

As with all services, professional stylists should behave adequately and be courteous to their clients. When there is a conflict, you know that the key will always be to be patient and respond pleasantly despite irritable and sad people.

Good Image

It is not a question of filling the 90-60-90 but having a good image that makes the customer anticipate that he will only have good results with this first image. It will be essential to take care of the hair, make up the face, wear a clean uniform, well-groomed hands.

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