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What is Ketogenic Diet? – About, Benefits, and More

benefits of a Ketogenic Diet

by Life Bloom Beauty
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Ketogenic Diet – Banning sugars and encouraging good fats is the basis of the increasingly popular keto diet. But beware, this diet is not suitable for everyone.

The ketogenic diet is still being talked about on social media. Many stars have assumed it like Gwyneth Paltrow or Kourtney Kardashian, mainly for weight loss. But the ketogenic diet isn’t just an excellent anti-sugar detox! More and further scientific studies show that this diet has some pretty incredible health benefits. However, you have to think about it carefully before getting started and ideally consult a ketogenic nutritionist. To obtain real benefits, it is essential to follow the principles of the letter (quite draconian). And most essentially, keep in mind that there are also drawbacks and contraindications.

What are the benefits of a Ketogenic Diet?

A popular micro-nutritionist, an expert in the hypoxic ketogenic diet, has listed in a book all the diseases that the ketogenic diet would impact. Of course, you have to be careful. There are lessons on this or that disease does not mean that it is a panacea. Each patient could react differently to this diet. Before trying it, you should consult your doctor.

1. Epilepsy:

In this disease, the diet was first used in the 1920s by Dr. Russel Wilder. He discovered that insufficient ketones (an alternative source of energy when the body’s sugar stores bodies are exhausted) allowed to limit seizures. With the advent of anti-epileptics in the 1950s, “keto” fell into oblivion before returning to the medical section in the 1990s in children who did not react to conventional treatments.

2. Type 2 diabetes:

Specialists believe that drastic restriction of carbohydrate intake can prevent or even reverse the disease because insulin receptors are used much less. Regarding type 1 diabetes, a study shows that the association of a carbohydrate diet with the injection of lower doses of insulin allows the normalization of glycemia (sugar level in the blood).

3. Alzheimer’s disease:

According to numerous studies, the intake of TCM (particular facts present in particular in coconut oil) associated with a diet that allows ketosis (in this case, the body burns fat at a very high rate) acts on better energy metabolism of the mitochondria. (Its function is to provide cells with the energy they want to function) in the brains of people exaggerated by this neurodegenerative disease.

4. Cancers:

You should know that cancer cells use about ten times more glucose (simple sugar) than healthy cells. Hence the interest, say some specialists, to adopt a ketogenic diet in addition to cancer treatments.

5. Cardiovascular disease:

Reducing saturated fat and cholesterol would not be enough. However, we know that a diet rich in carbohydrates associated with trans fats (there are a lot of them in industrial foods) promotes inflammation and, consequently, these pathologies. And since the ketogenic diet acts on diabetes, overweight which is the basis of cardiovascular disease, it is a virtuous circle.

6. Inflammatory diseases:

Osteoarthritis, rheumatism have inflammation as a mutual denominator. Furthermost is due to a diet rich in carbohydrates, ultra-processed products, and deficient in good fats (omega-3). Therefore, the ketogenic suite would indicate.

7. Migraine and other diseases:

Studies show the beneficial effect of ketones linked to their anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective action in reducing the frequency of migraine attacks and autism, Parkinson’s disease, and brain tumors. A diet too rich in carbohydrates, especially refined ones, accelerates the cellular aging of the nervous system and alters the microbiota (intestinal flora), also called the “second brain.” consequences being too high glycemia in the blood, a risk factor for diabetes, cardiovascular diseases “By reducing carbohydrate intake while consuming good fats, the body learns to de-stock its lipid reserves and loses weight sustainably.”

What are the problems of the Ketogenic Diet?

  • A diet is not easy:

Given the many prohibitions, you have to hyper-motivate and be ready to change how you eat radically. Because goodbye carbohydrates (white sugar, honey, sodas, pastries, pastries almost all fruits, bread and pasta, legumes (lentils, white beans), cereals (rice, wheat, buckwheat root vegetables (sweet potatoes, parsnips, squash) On the menu, it’s: avocado, tofu, cauliflower, broccoli, vegan cheese, ketogenic bread

  • Bad breath:

This is a sign that the body makes these famous ketones well while the diet does its job. The smell comes from acetone, a type of ketone, which is exhaled. This phenomenon lasts for about a month as the body adjusts to the lack of glucose and successfully produces energy from fat (keto-adaptation). In addition, other inconveniences (headaches, fatigue, nausea, constipation) may occur, especially during the first two weeks.

  • Possible deficiencies:

Removing specific food categories can lead to shortages, especially in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Conversely, we can also consume certain foods in excess, such as animal products. That is why Drs recommends following a hypoxic ketogenic diet, that is, with very little meat and no dairy products. “It’s much better for your health,” the expert said.

A perverse effect? Researchers at Yale University, whose work write in the journal Nature Metabolism, questioned the sustainability of the ketogenic’s positive results, at least in the long term. They even believe that the opposite effect is possible. “When mice followed this diet beyond a week, they consumed more fat than they burned, lost fat-protecting gamma delta T cells, and tended to develop diabetes and obesity. Observed during their work the authors of this American study.

For all these reasons, one should not embark on this diet lightly. And even less if you suffer from diseases (cancer, diabetes, kidney failure, gout. Even if scientific arguments plead in its favor, so let’s repeat it: the best way to be risk-free is to seek advice from your GP and expert ketogenic nutritionist.

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