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How does a Toenail Grow in? – About, Causes, Treatment, and More

by Life Bloom Beauty
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How does a Toenail Grow in?

Toenail Grow – Patients often consult a dermatologist with Onychocryptosis, an ingrown nail. According to statistics, this is almost half of all nail problems. It usually affects the big toe, explained by the loads’ peculiarities. According to clinical guidelines, a qualified specialist will help eliminate this defect, ingrown toenail treatment in Ufacarried out. The doctor examines the patient, prescribes conservative therapy or correction depending on the severity of the condition.

Onychocryptosis can develop asymptomatically for a long time until the nail begins to squeeze the finger’s skin. It provokes pain, which increases with exertion. In severe cases, suppuration and swelling appear. If an ingrown nail finds, examination and treatment are required.


In connection with a person’s upright posture, the toes experience severe stress, leading to Onychocryptosis. Under pathological conditions, the nail begins to grow incorrectly, its shape disrupts, and gradually it extends into the tissue of the skin fold. External causes occupy the first place in the development of this condition.

These include:

  1. Improper nail care – sometimes, when cutting, they cut off a too-large piece of the plate in the corner area. Gradually, the skin fold begins to rise under pressure, and a nail grows into it.
  2. Wearing tight shoes – the nail gradually grows into the skin in such conditions. Most often, the problem occurs in people who prefer narrow-toed shoes.
  3. Large load on the legs – with constant walking or prolonged standing on the legs, onychocryptosis can develop. The wrong choice of shoes aggravates the problem.

Predisposing Factors

Sometimes an ingrown toenail appears due to diseases or physiological changes in the body. In such conditions, the shape of the plate is disturbed, and it can deform, delaminate or lose its strength. Often, onychocryptosis is a complication of medication or physiological procedures.

A list of conditions that provoke the risk of an ingrown toenail:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • frostbite;
  • flat feet and hallux valgus;
  • fungus of the nail plate;
  • complications of chemotherapy;
  • some pathologies that give complications to blood vessels – obesity, diabetes mellitus, psoriasis, heart disease, etc.


Therapy is subject to the severity of the symptoms – with a slight ingrowth and the absence of severe pain, compresses, disinfecting baths, and various topical preparations that help relieve pain and soften the skin and the nail plate. In extreme cases, surgical treatment involves prosthetics, resection, laser or radio wave removal.

Corrective Brace – Effective Treatment Of Onychocryptosis

One of the modern treatment methods is the installation of a corrective brace, which reduces stress on the skin and promotes average plate growth. It removes after the nail grows back.

The Advantages of this Method:

  • simple, painless and effective treatment;
  • promotes correction, after regrowth, the nail takes on a natural physiological form;
  • gives a lasting result, allows you to get rid of onychocryptosis;
  • if there is a nail falcon in the fold, it can be removed a few days after installing the staple.

However, Self-medication of an ingrown toenail is not always practical; it is better to consult a specialist and eliminate the cause of pain and swelling. And also, if the symptoms ignore, onychocryptosis can complicate by suppuration and provoke an infection.

Ingrown Toenail Prevention

  • To avoid the problem of an ingrown toenail, you need to follow simple rules.
  • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting shoes
  • Maintain hygiene of feet and nails
  • When visiting saunas and swimming pools, have personal shoes to avoid getting infected with the fungus. In case of a fungal infection, consult a doctor promptly
  • For pedicure and home care, trim nails neatly in a straight line, avoiding deep cuts

In what cases is the nail removed?

Removal of the nail by the surgeon prescribes when the nail plate is deeply embedded in the skin tissue of the finger. At this stage, steaming baths and antiseptics do not help, and in addition to severe pain, the patient also develops abundant pus.

Why does an ingrown toenail most often appear on the big toe?

However, when wearing pressure shoes, the big toe suffers from the most muscular load in squeezing the soft tissues with the nail plate. Therefore, Other toes are less prone to fungus and injury.

Moreover, the treatment method of ingrowth of nail plates selected individually, after examination and consultation with a podologist at the Ego Estetic® clinic.  And also, you can be sure: we will return you the joy of movement, and most importantly, we will not let this minor nuisance turn into a big problem!

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